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A selection of photos showing some recent club activities.


Stewy comes third in the Oliver Combat competition At Old Warden on July 28th.

1st 3 teams

From the left - Nosher and Ian with Stewy making up the third placed team in this Annual competition.


At last the the grass has been cut and the free flight gets going again at Colerne on July 28th. Nice weather and good turnout.


Paul's rubber model gets away with a great launch.


Someones model making the most of the thermal activity... let's hope it has a working DT?

Colin's Humungus stunter

Colin's 'Hummungus' vintage stunter at Colerne

Colin's Spacehound

Colin's beautifully finished 'Spacehound' at Colerne

Nick's Typhon stunter

Nick's 'Typhon' ( not typhoon'! ) stunter at Colerne

Ollie Harris on horsing duty

Ollie on the horsing platform having just got Daves glow powered car off to a good start.

Beautiful location.

paul's track looking good in the sunshine ( amkes a change from the wet!

Pauls bluebird flying at 48mph

Paul's Bluebird with just one wheel on the track!

Looking good in the sunshine

Another view of Paul's track.

Phantom lineup

Phantom lineup at Colerne on 30th June.

Whats next then

OK - Phantom racing finished what's next!.

Pete turns his attention combat

Pete turns his attention to Dominator combat practice.

Possible new member Robin

New member Robin with his Ellipitas model,

Robin flying the Ellipitas

First flight of the Ellipitas - very successful and looks good in the air!

A few Random recent photos!

pauls Bugatti

The workings of Paul's MK17 powered Bugatti model

Doug's coupe

Doug with his beautiful brand new Fred Boxhall coupe model

Doug launching

and away it goes on it's maiden trial flight

Doug's first flight

making a short but really steady first flight.

Gerry's Vampire

Gerry launching his rocket powered scale Vampire model


Indoor - Jan launches his Gyminnie Cricket model

my GC

A different Gyminnie Cricket flies nicely just under the ceiling in the GC contest.

Pennyplane JM

john M's Pennyplane in the rubber duration competition.

my 14 inch

Dave's own-design 14" model in the duration competition.

Voetsak Tribute flying at Berkeley on 9th June

the judges

Timekeepers ready - let's get some flying done!

dave readying petes

Dave readies Pete's Voetsak. In the 60 seconds warmup period.

pete in magic circle

Pete in the magic circle - with his unusual horizontal handle piloting style.

paul with d' model

Paul swapping the motor in Dave's Voetsak - but no improvement!

ali launching

Alistair releasing his model for the fastest timed 10 lap session to date.

Ala goes by

Alistair's model goes past - ably flown by Jan.


Jan's own Voetsak - recorded the fastest 60 lap time of the day.

ex Nicks

Ex- Nick B's Voetsak - entered by Scott and flown by Paul.

various models waiting

A good mix of models waiting in the pit area.

Indoors at Berkeley - 12th May - BMFA Dart Air Race

model recovery

During trimming a Dart gets caught in left over Xmas decoration string. Do not do this at home!

furious winding

Dart winding and preparation underway .

2 winding, 1 on its way

two models being wound , one on its way around the balloons.

IMG_1850 Scott dart flight

Scott gets his Dart away.

Dave's new OD model on first takeoff - surprisingly speedy !

From a sunny but windy day at Colerne


Scott and Reelika travel a long way to be there so they like to be sure to have plenty to fly ( 10 models!)


Newish member Geoff with his 3 newly built models. A DC Spitfire powered Firefly , a PAW 149 powered Gazelle and a PAW 249 powered Peacemaker ( to which Geoff had added flaps)


Scott giving Geoff's Peacemaker a trial flight.


Colin preparing his latest model ( a Tucker Special) for another trial flight.


Dave had a nice MPJet 1cc motor spare so he designed this model for it. Goes like stink!

Photos from the Jack Marsh Oliver Trophy held at Old Warden on 19th May.

checking models

Preparing for some practice

all winners

The winning teams ( our club's 2nd place team on right hand side )

not all survive

Not all survived !

other model

Preparing another model

2nd place

The club's team ( L to R ) Stewy , Sion ( distant member from Minorca!) and Ian. Sion with his Kanible '68 model.

collecting bounty

Sion picking up his winning bottle. Hope he shared it?

Taster Stunt competition at Berkeley on 12th May 2024


Judges for the days Taster Stunt comp - Reelika and Ernie


Wide range of models in the pits awaiting their starring moment!

Tony prepping

Tony preparing his OS40 powered Thunderbird with Scott ready for releasing duties.

Tony invert

Tony in action during the 'two laps inverted' section.

scott level

Scott concentrating on his level laps with his PAW249 powered Akromaster

the watchers

Watching and judging ( officially or otherwise ) the competition's flights.

Rich and reminder

Richard flying his Enya09 powered Junior Lightning Streak whilst clutching his manoeuvres schedule reminder !

Simon level

Simon (also with reminder sheet) flying his AM15 powered Picador.

Paul g roundsman

Paul flying the PAW149 powered Roundsman

dave releases n

Dave P releases Nick's OS35 powered Aerostar for his round 1 flight.

N going invert

Nick's Aerostar going to inverted mode.

Berkeley on 14th April - Mini-Goodyear comp

Busy day at Berkeley - mini-Goodyear here , Combat preparation behind and a little aerobat

Busy day - Mini-Goodyear here ..combat behind and some aerobatics at the other end of the field.

Anxious moments awaiting the countdown to the start.anxious times

Anxious moments...awaiting the countdown to start.

One minute warmup ...30seconds to go

One minute warmup...30 seconds to go.

Nicely circulating in the circle.

Scott and Simon nicely circulating in the centre circle.

Jan launches Pete's model after another pitstop

Jan launches Pete's model after another pitstop

How many laps to go ? Do we need another pitstop?

How many laps to go ? "let me know when we've done 35".

let's get back into the action !

Let's get back into the action!

Hurry up pitman - the opposition is pulling ahead!G

Hurry up pitman - they're getting away from us!

he's behind you !!!!

He's behind you !! ( well it is sometimes a bit of a pantomime!)

Voetsak Tribute speed/racing competition at Berkeley on 17th March

A serious Al

A serious looking Alistair warms up the motor in his new Voetsak Tribute

Dave F with Al's model

Dave Farmer flying Alistair's model

Dave R's model  laeving takeoff mat

Dave Raynor's Voetsak about to get away on the club's take-off strip

Pete M's model

Pete Morrison's immaculate model awaits the call to the circle!

a final tweak from Pete T

Pete Tribe giving his AM25 a final tweak.

Paul flying Dave H's

Paul Griffiths flying Dave H's Voetsak.

launch after pitstop avoiding puddles

Dave hand launching his Voetsak after the mandatory pitstop to avoid the puddles !

escaping the wet

A Voetsak Tribute spraying water everywhere as it tries to break free of the waterlogged field.

the end

The end of an interesting afternoons flying - and no breakages ! Maybe it'll be drier next time?

Paul's tether car track Thursday 14th March

Ernie and Tom preparing new Roadster

Ernie and Tom Preparing their new Roadster for action

Paul McD's RC electric car chassis

Paul McD's electric Rc controlled chassis awaiting it's first trial run.

The end of a good morning's playing

The end of another good morning's car running/testing.

Tomboy away

March 10th - as evening draws closer and the breeze drops its time for a quick flight with the Tomboy

Tomboy returns

The Tomboy returning with the help of a little RC assist.

Thornbury Leisure Centre on 9th March

Tim gets his CLG away

Tim gets his catapult glider away for another flight

Short of tables this time

Due to a mixup there was a shortage of tables! Scott and Reelika prep theie models from the floor

Ernie winding his Butterfly

Ernie piling on the turns on his Butterfly model.


Gerard's large electric powered indoor/outdoor FF model.

Mervyn stretching

Mervyn really stretching the catapult rubber to get his model up amongst the metalwork?

daves rubber profile scale

Dave watching his small profile scale racer navigate the airspace.

Mervyns PennyPlane

Mervyn's very nice Penny Plane.

Scott GC

Scott keeping an eye on his Gyminnie Cricket rubber model

Colerne 3rd March -chilly!

pic 2

Ist Colerne meeting of 2024. The snow is just about cleared and Paul launches his KK Gipsy

pic 1

The speck in th middle is Dave's 16" rubber model making the most of the calm (but cold ) weather.

pic 3

Reelika , Scott and Richard Evans getting ready to do some flying.

pic 4

It doesn't matter how cold it is if you've you've got your sandwich , a flask of tea and some models to watch !

"EasySpeed " at Berkeley 18th February.


Some of the 8 entries being made ready for the start.


A repurposed Mini-Goodyear model ready to go.


Reelika's easily identified model!


A repurposed Linesman trainer - but failed to complete the necessary 10 laps!


Scott running up the PAW to test the motor run time - suitably equipped with wellingtons to cope with the water-logged ground!


Jan makes sure that Simon's BooRah gets safely away for it's two laps prior to the ten timed laps.


Timekeepers and Dave R waiting for Dave H to launch.


Dave R launches his MGYR model for one of his three timed flights.


New (returning after a 40+ year break ) member Geoff prepares for a trial flight with the club training model.

Thornbury Leisure Centre Indoor flying January 20th


Lots of members , plenty of models but very little flying so far!


John Bond launches his Gimminie Cricket


All eyes on someones circulating Cricket


Ernie B 's wife winds the motor on his large duration model


Mervyn really stretches for the launch of his latest catapult glider


Alistair gently releases his Butterfly model for another nice steady flight


Dave's 14" duration model cruising around.


Timekeeper at the ready as Tim releases his Gimminie Cricket


A rapid climb away for Kevin's Hangar Rat

Phantom Speed flying at Berkeley on Jan 14th

Timekeeper and pole

Timekeeper Reelika waiting fot the action - with the new ' timing pole' in line with the takeoff point.

waiting line park

Some of the 9 Phantoms present on the day

matching mods

Two 'matching' Phantoms - at the front a PAW149 powered model and an Oliver 2.5 powered version behind

lone mk1

the one and only Mk 1 Phantom in the competition

al firing up oli

Alistair firing up the Oliver in the Mk 1 model

AM releases

- and away it goes

AM model & DF & TK & CD

Dave Farmer flying Al's model watched by timekeeper/contest director Ernie and 'helper'

Dr model leap

Dave R releases his model which then quickly climbs away

Scott Dr model

Scott settles the model into level flight

pete t

Pete T flies his Phantom with his typical horizontal handle action.

dh release BP

Dave H releases Brendan's Frog 249 powered Phantom

temas and helpers

Most of the motley crew and their helpers and models - another fun filled session draws to a close.

Prizegiving at 2023 AGM - Berkeley 10th December

Phantom winners Dave and Paul

Phantom event winners for 2023 Dave Hanks and Paul Griffiths receive their certificate from club chairman John Bond (on left)

MGYR winners Scott and Dave

Winners of the Voetsak Tribute events for 2023 were Dave Raynor (L) and Scott O'Brien (R).

Combat champ Tony PF

The 2023 Combat champion was Tony Parton-Frost (R)

indoor champ Mervyn

Indoor Champion for 2023 was Mervyn Harris.

cl champ Paul

Overall Control-line champion for 2023 was Paul Griffiths - our Free Flight secretary! Multi talented!

Combat comp long service Mick

Mick Lewis receives a photo print of the front cover of the months Aeromodeller - as he recently took part in his last competitive combat event - having been flying combat models since the late 1950's !!

Supporter of the year Reelika

Reelika receiving her certificate as the club's 'Helper of the year' for 2023.

Colerne 26th November - at 12.30 - 3 degrees and raining but you can't stop keen SBMAC fliers!!


Nick flying in the rain !


Colin flying in the drizzle/fog


Scott and Reelika keeping warm?


Reelika with her own Mini-Goodyear model ( obviously taken on a much better day!


which does do the motor or fuselage a lot of good!


Scott's Talisman make an unexpected vertical arrival

Angus towing kite

and for something completely different. Jim's grandson Angus towing up his kite. I think Jim has plans to replace the kite with an A1 glider soon?

Thornbury Leisure Centre Indoor Flying on 18th November


Lots of air and floor space - shouldn't have any mid-air collisions!


Kevin gets his model away.


Two models circulating nicely


Ernie watching his model making its way upwards for another nice flight.


Ernie's model on it's way back down?


A nice neat box of safely secured models.


Steve T watches Mick's RC model flying.


Another view of the 'pits' area.

Berkeley on 12th November Oliver Rat Racing - sorry no pics from actual race - but some other random photos from the day. 


A break in the Oliver Rat Race allows members to watch some of the trainer flights.


a day guest having a flight with the club Linesman trainer


Guest flyer Ed has his first go at C/L flying - having last been involved with his father's aeromodelling many years ago.


From indoor flying on the same day - Reelika with her own built Gyminie Cricket


Spectators at the Taster Stunt day - Berkeley 15th October

Dh Am DC

CD Dave , Judge Alistair and visitor Dave Cooper

Scott Nicks engine

Scott tweeks the motor ready for Nick's flight

IMG_5Nick overhead

Nick flying an overhead eight manoeuvre

Dh fires Roundsman

Dave adjusts the PAW149 in the Roundsman

PG roundsman level

Paul with the Roundsman in level flight

Mick getaway

Mick hauls his model aloft on his first flight

Scott relaxed

Scott flying in a very relaxed manner!


Lineup of Voetsak models for the last Voetsak event in 2023 ( at Colerne 8th October).

voetsak lineup

Voetsak competitors and helpers before battle commences!


Timekeepers for the event - camera lens blurred by diesel fuel!!!!!

lovely end of day

What a lovely end to that day - at 6pm after a little last minute free flight activity.


Pete Tribe's friend Paul McD.. with his RC car based tether chassis at Paul's track on 12th october


Paul McD gives Paul H's Bluebird a push start whilst Paul H horses it.


Dave's PAW powered OD car on the track with his Roadster behind


Paul H giving his ClarkY wheel driven car a determined push start

A few random photos of recent club activity.


Nick and David's fleet of aerobatic C/L models


Flying on our 'new site' but with a view down our 'old site'


John M firing up the OS 25 in his Junior 60 ( built many ,many years ago by Brian Hopkins)

Pauls on 14th Sept '23

Recent tether car outing at Paul's track.


Mervyn's duration model floating around under the ceiling at Berkeley


No - he's not launching a canard HLG - just catching it on the landing approach !


Dave's 35cm model on it's way up.


14" rubber duration model on it's way up.

Photos from 2023 Nationals -Vintage and Oliver combat - courtesy of Denis Murphy

Nationals Vintage Combat_22082023_08-23_DMJ1229

Stewy launches Richard's model in Vintage combat

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The two Richards ( Evans left and Herbert ) battle it out in vintage combat.

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Richard launching for Tony Frost.

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Tony versus Simon Miller in Vintage combat

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Richard launches Stewy's model in it's original state.

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Richard launches Stewy's damaged model - a little cosmetic damage won't stop him!

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The SBMAC Vintage combat team of Malcolm , Mick and Richard with Mick's KK Talon entry for Vintage combat

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Malcom and Richard sort out the lines and streamer on Mick's Talon

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Mick versus Martin Johnson in Vintage combat

Nationals Oliver Combat_23082023_08-23_DMJ0582

Richard takes on Simon Cassidy in Oliver Combat

Nationals Oliver Combat_23082023_08-23_DMJ0715

Stewy takes on Dave Riley in Oliver Combat

Nationals Oliver Combat_23082023_08-23_DMJ0141

The SBMAC for Oliver Combat - Stewy , Tony and Richard share a joke.

Nationals Oliver Combat_23082023_08-23_DMJ0147

Tony launches Stewy's model in Oliver Combat

Nationals Oliver Combat_23082023_08-23_DMJ0093

Mick and Richard Herbert in Oliver Combat action.

Nationals Oliver Combat_23082023_08-23_DMJ0131

Richard Herbert and Mick still friends after their Oliver Combat bout!


Found a nice bit of hardstanding for cars on the east side. Need to find access without cutting across the grass!


Kevin launches his cox powered plastic helicopter. Goes quite high!


It's on it's way up!


Our new hi-start bungee with line rewinder. makes life a little simpler.


Paul's KK Gipsy way for another fine flight


Jim with his two American glider designs - a Topkick and The Ghost.


Kevin's RC electric 787. Not 'real aeromodelling' but actually looked looked quite realistic in flight so we've forgiven him!


Ian back from retrieving his towline glider.


Dave's fleet of models awaiting an airing.


Paul with his other rubber powered model wishing the photographer would let him get on with the flying!


The 'free flight corner' of the mown area on September 10th.


Jim's Cloud Tramp gets some air under it's wings.

Taster Stunt at Berkeley on August 13th

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Models ready for Taster Stunt to start

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Judge and jury ready and waiting...

IMG_5127 (2)

Relaxed day by the pits!

IMG_5180 (2)

Just a final tweek ?

IMG_5135 (2)

..and a tweek for this one too..

IMG_5185 (2)

Clear signal for the judge style 1

IMG_5162 (2)

Another clear signal to the judge style 2

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..and style 3 using your walking stick just a few weeks after a knee op !

Cloud Tramp mass launch on 6th August at Colerne

a The Gathering

Getting ready for the 5pm launch

b Team all Poised and Ready

All poised and ready to go

d They're Awayyyyyy

and they're away

c The Launch-9 in the air

The Launch - 9 in the air

e One down, 8 still going

One down 8 still aloft

SBMAC members at Basildon Combat on July 2nd

Basildon Vintage Combat_02072023_07-23_DMJ0061

the SBMAC team at the Basildon Vintage combat event

Basildon Vintage Combat_02072023_07-23_DMJ0021

tactical discussion taking place?

Basildon Vintage Combat_02072023_07-23_DMJ0063

and away we go..............

Basildon Vintage Combat_02072023_07-23_DMJ0023

Tony P-F in action

Basildon Vintage Combat_02072023_07-23_DMJ0015

Ian P in action

Basildon Vintage Combat_02072023_07-23_DMJ0331 1

No modellers were harmed in the taking of this photo !!!

Phantom Speed at Berkeley on July 16th

What's a Linesman doing there!!

but Brendan that's not a Phantom!

Pull testing the Phantoms

Pull testing the Phantoms and their lines prior to flying

Nicely decorated Phantom

A nicely decorated Phantom awaiting it's flight

Paul flying Dave's model

Paul G flying Dave's Phantom - nice and level between gusts!

Brendan flying his Phantom

Brendan flying his ED Racer powered Phantom

Alistair flying - definitely not whipping

Alistair flying his Phantom - very steady and definitely not whipping.

Pete T nearly pulls his model off edge of mats

Someone steps back a little on takeoff - nearly pulling the model off the edge of the takeoff mat!

Some Photos from our Jamboree on 18th June at Berkeley - Sorry - I somehow lost all the captions and couldn't face starting again! Try making up your own to suit! 

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A Roadster15 tethercar in action with air under 3 wheels!

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Dominator Combat_South Bristol MAC_06-23_DMJ0926
Dominator Combat_South Bristol MAC_06-23_DMJ0916
Dominator Combat_South Bristol MAC_06-23_DMJ0716
Dominator Combat_South Bristol MAC_06-23_DMJ0733
Dominator Combat_South Bristol MAC_06-23_DMJ0461
Dominator Combat_South Bristol MAC_06-23_DMJ0535
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Dominator Combat_South Bristol MAC_06-23_DMJ0027

Colerne on June 11th - a bit of Taster Stunt and a little freeflight action

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Paul G and his KK Senator rubber powered model

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Paul's Senator goes by!

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New member Ian and his daughter watch his KK Gypsy fly overhead.

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Judge Alistair and Paul and Scott watching the high level manoeuvres

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Scott gets in a level flight with the Roundsman

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Tweaking the obstinate PAW149 in the Roundsman!

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Colin signals being about to take his next selected manoeuvre

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Brendan concentrating on his aerobatic action

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The big ex- Phil Darke Taurus stunter awaiting a flight ( not in Taster Stunt comp though)

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Alistair flying the Taurus up high!

Berkeley on 21st May - Mini-Goodyear event

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Classic two handed launch from Richard for Mick

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Let battle commence!

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Classic kneeling launch from Dave R - bit steep though?

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Alternative standing launch from Jan

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Kneeling launch from Dave H

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Mick overtakes Simon

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Graham launches for Richard L - watched by timekeeper Reelika

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Scotts concentrates on his model as it gets away

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Running launch from Dave R

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Pete and Richard in action

Club members at the Jack Marsh Oliver Combat event at Old Warden on 14th May 2023

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Jack Marsh _Oliver Combat_05-23_DMJ0335

Photos from Combat Flyers Association day at Berkeley plus extra date Berkeley on 7th May plus ?

South Bristol _Vintage Combat_04-23_DMJ0126

Simon Miller picks up the winners Trophy for this year's event

South Bristol _Vintage Combat_04-23_DMJ0112

Not winning this time but the Bristol 'boys' still looking very happy with the day's flying

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Winning and runner up teams after the final ?

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Some interesting yoga positions ! Don't try this at home children!


A little of the overhead action on the day.

South Bristol _Vintage Combat_04-23_DMJ0050

some of the action in the centre circle under the watchful eye of the centre marshall.

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A few drops of rain but not enough to stop the action.

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Richard Evans getting Ian P's model away.

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The judges and some onlookers. No beer for the judges we hope though?

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a breakaway combat model lands a little too close to the judges for comfort!


Maenwhile in the hall Scott and Reelika? enjoying their first try at indoor duration flying with a Gyminee Cricket

models on 7 may

&th May - Some of the members sorting out their mini-Goodyear models for upcoming competition?

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Putting the world to right - what we all do best.

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Some talking , some flying ,some engine testing. Something for everyone on a pleasant relaxed day at Berkeley.

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One to keep Brendan's sons happy ? Part Lego Star Wars with potent Cox TD upfront.

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Scott flying Reelika's MGYR model - very smoothly.

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Colin and Brendan in the 'Stunt corner' preparing a trainer model.

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Well - does that sound right to you?

South Bristol _Vintage Combat_04-23_DMJ0044

Ian P with the remains of his model after a midair incident.Don't think super glue will be the answer this time!

donuts in the sun

Another visit to Paul's track on another fine day in the country. Calls for more tea and cake!

tether car running and small field F/F at Paul's track on April 8th 

the track

The track is looking better every visit. A big thankyou is due to Paul for making this available for club member's use.


Changing models over at the track.Roadster25 being readied.

tea time

There's always time for a cup of tea , a cake and a natter.

the models

Line up of models - direct drive cars , prop driven cars and a selection of small F/F models.

FF discussions

More nattering - this time on the F/F field!

Berkeley on 2nd April 2023  an extra day of fun flying.


Combat models awaiting some aerial action - undamaged as yet!


-and here in action!


Pete M with his beautiful C/L biplane.


the same biplane being put through it's paces by Simon.


what a collection - everything comes out to play on a non-competition day!

mod 2

and some more


and another one.

Stunt cornerIMG_4344 (2)

meanwhile down in the aerobatics corner preparations are underway.....................

lots of mods

and likewise in 'circle one'.

Berkeley on 19th March 2023 - Voetsak comp and general flying

Ron M waiting

Ron Moulton sits in his cockpit patiently awaiting a flight

DH away

Dave gets his model away for a timed flight. - under the watchful eyes of the timekeepers..

Jan gets awayMG_4244 (2)

Jan releases his model to make what turned out to be the fastest heat time.

Winning model

The winning model with Simon on the handle.


A little preparation taking place in the pits. Why do the engines always run better in the pits than in the circle?

Ready to go

A couple of the models ready to enter the circle.

DR model away

Dave R gets his model away at the beginning of a 10lap 'speed' trial.

lineup 2

6 of the 7 models lined up in the sunshine. all flown and no damage - a good result .

Photos from the recent Thornbury Leisure Centre Indoor sessions - 

Simon winding Phantom

Simon winding his Mini Phantom Mite

The blur launch

The blur is Mervyn's glider getting away for another dice with the lights!

and catch on return

Mervyn catching his model on it's return.


A Night Vapor R/C model passing a light fitting.

Part of participants area

A look down part of the 'pits' area.

Gyminnie Cricket

The very popular Gyminnie Cricket rubber duration model - as used for the mass launch.

Mass launch

Mass launch about to go. Interesting to see all the different techniques used to maximise the flight times.

1 climbing 1 nearlly down

Several down - one almost down and one still going well.

Martin Fardell visiting

Nice to see Martin Fardell who popped in for a chat and possibly encourage people to attend the indoor scale Nats?

semi scale stuff

Talking of scale models - a few semi-scale models present.

when pole is not enough

When a pole is just not up to the job. £25K of modern technology to recover a 7" Butterfly model!

model prepping
2 diff away

two different styles of model about to get away and share the airspace?

table of duration

A nice selection of duration models.

careful winding

Paul doing some very careful winding - with counter attached to winder.

handy box safe

A very handy size storage box with models neatly held for safe transit.

happy chappies

Happy chappies enjoying their day out!

Berkeley on 5th March - a 'no-competition' day

on rite hamper for models

In the pits. On the right a little hamper to keep the models fed?

nice Phantom

A very nice Frog 2.49 ?powered Phantom.

chat & prep

A little preparation and a lot of chatting in the pits area.

RE & GC & ML

L -to-R . Richard Evans , George Copeman ( of "Copeman tuned Olivers" fame ) and Mick Lewis. George , now 83 , is back tuning engines again !

PG flying pitman ignores

Paul G test flies a MGYR model whilst pitman Dave H seems to be looking elsewhere!

IP keeping tension

Ian P tackling slack lines as he brings in his combat model to land?

not overlap

In the foreground two combat flyers whilst Colin B flies his stunter behind - and ,yes is there is a gap between circles!

Simon T fly by feel

Who needs to concentrate when you've got a stable model?

Dave F concentrates

David F is certainly concentrating with this much faster profile model/.

another combat session

Ready for another combat bout. Streamered up and waiting for the 'off'.

a littel aerial action

and a little aerial action then follows.

Mini-Goodyear flying at Berkeley on 12th February 2023

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Tony flies on whilst Paul waits for his model to get away. Contest Director Jan looks on.

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Scott and Paul get the laps in. Is Scott whipping? I hope not!

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Jan adjusts the PAW 149 in Simon's BooRay model in the line check area.

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Dave R gives his PAW09BR a final check before letting it join the fray.

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Dave H gets his Li'l' Quickie away with a determined launch.

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Paul and Tony midway through a bout..

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Nick gets his model away on a nice level trajectory.

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Sorting out a bit of a line tangle mid bout! Both models and pilots undamaged.

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Scott has to sit out the rest of the bout after a landing model took out his lines - very unfortunate.

First official event in 2023 - Phantom Speed at Berkeley on 15th January .

a damp day

Yes - it was a very damp waterlogged field but the rain stayed away for our Mini-Goodyear event.

Dave R and Paul G  awaiting timekeeper

Dave R and Paul G awaiting the timekeeper prior to their first flight in the 1.5cc Phantom class.

Al starting + combat

Alistair starting the Oliver in his 2.5cc class Phantom. Look carefully and you may see the comabt fliers and 2 combat models in the air behind them?

Al to Dave handover

Alistair hands over his running Phantom to Dave F before piloting it.

Frog 249 misbehaving

Dave F struggling to get his misbehaving Frog 249 running. Had to abort the attempt eventually.

Paul's End of Year tether running session on 29th December 2022

Speed display

Version 1 of the new Timing Display designed and constructed by Ollie.

Kindling Special

Paul's "Kindling Special" - so called because he said it was carved from a piece of old pine!

push starting Kindling

Ollie push starting the Kindling Special. Proving rather tricky on a very wet slippery track.

Daves no.4

Dave's "car no. 4 " awaiting a go on the track.


Paul's other new car "Clarky" - so called because the body shape is based on an inverted Clark Y airfoil section ( to increase traction).

car in water feature 2

Dave's Roadster ( from Aeromodeller plan - with AM25 which is an easy starter! ) negotiating the 'water feature' between downpours.

Photos from the club's AGM held at Berkeley on 11th December  - Very cold and first snow of the year ! 

Martin HLG

Martin Launching his CLG at Thornbury on 19th November

sprightly climb

Another of Martin's models get away to a sprightly climb.

Butterfly time

Alistair and Jan concentrating on preparing their Butterfly models.


Weather forecast was bad for Nov 13th at Colerne but look at this! Luckily members mostly ignored the forecast!


Tony with his beautiful Thunderbird built from a kit purchased from Darryl H's estate.


and on the wing a tribute to Darryl - very much appreciated by Darryl's family when they saw it.


Nice to see Jim back flying - this time with a nice new large electric powered thermal soarer built from a plan.


Box of mainly electric F/F models from prolific builder Kevin. Plenty of choice whatever the weather!

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The end of another good days flying - as sun starts setting at 4pm locking up time!

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Competitors that braved the weather to take part in the Oliver Rat competition.

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A little snow and 1 degree weather isn't going to stop keen control-liners prior to the AGM start.

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No-one present to disqualify Simon if he didn't have his safety wrist strap on - so he could have pulled his sleeve down to keep warm!

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How do you keep warm once your hands get covered in diesel fuel starting these models?


Whatever the weather - being on the flying field seems to keep these members happy.


Number of members present restricted by the foul weather but looking happier than at last year's AGM when masks were worn !

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Mervyn Harris (L) collects the Indoor Champion shield from chairman John Bond

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Paul (L) accepts the Cloud Tramp trophy on behalf of Kevin Atkins.

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Tony (L) accepts the new Combat Champion shield on behalf of the 2022 champion Ian Perkins.

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Paul Griffiths collects the Free Flight Champion shield for 2022. Paul is also new F/F competition secretary for 2023

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Dave Hanks collects the Control-line Champions shield for 2022.


Not the AGM ( you can tell that by the weather!!! ). Richard is the new Euro combat champion after getting first place at Gran Canaria. Well done Richard !

Photos from Berkeley on 16th October 2022 - Taster Stunt day 

momentary slack lines

Momentary slack lines as model gets away.

nice and level

- but settles into a nice level flight pattern

littel and large

Two extremes - a 40 powered model and a PAW 149 powered model.

another level

Another nice steady model in the 'two laps level ' section of the competition.

how's it going steve

"So how are we doing Steve?" Steve Tromans on judging duty.

being watched

We are all watching now - no room for mistakes!

winning flight

Nick Bridges winning flight

clear signal from Mick

Nice clear signal from Mick prior to his next manoeuvre.

the caste

Happy competitors and officials gather for the customary 'photo opportunity'.

A little tether car action on 23rd October


Plenty of room on the tarmac for a few small cars and a tether pole.


John Mealing prepares his 'skeletal' car for a trial run.


Johns other car - a cut down Hesketh F1 car - passing him as we count/time the laps.

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